Governmental Reporting Requirements



Determine whether or not your local needs to incorporate Immediately
Get Employer Identification Number if you don’t already have one Immediately
Apply for tax exemption if exemption hasn’t already been granted. Immediately
Mail 1099’s and file with IRS January 31/February 28
File 990 or 990EZ as required The 15th day of the 5th month after the organization’s accounting period ends.
Pay personal property taxes if applicable (tangible property is owned by local) February 1
Report Michigan sales tax if goods are sold by the local in the state of Michigan Varies
File LM 2, 3, or 4 90 days after fiscal year end
Prepare payroll tax report As needed



Inform MEA’s Government Affairs department if lobbying/political activity is reimbursed to the local by MEA. Prior to activity
Ensure compliance with state Campaign Finance Act and Federal Election Commission Before election
Obtain appropriate licensing for raffles or bingo events Before activity
Obtain liquor license if local wishes to sell alcohol beverages in connection with an event or activity Before activity