ICYMI — Census 2020

The once-a-decade United States Census provides a fascinating teachable moment for students of all grade levels, intersecting social studies, mathematics and other disciplines in concrete ways. The U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistics in Schools program is offering free, teacher-designed resources at census.gov/schools that connect with various academic areas, including math, geography, history and more. There are resources specific to the 2020 Census, broken down by grade-level, including pre-K and English Language Learner targeted information, as well as engaging state-by-state facts, videos and maps to help engage students.

MEA is committed to ensuring a “Complete Count” for our state. Everything from federal funding for critical children’s resources to Michigan’s representation in Congress depends on an accurate count of residents. Visit mea.org/census for resources and updates.

MEA Voice Feature Newsroom


MEA’s RA approves budget, resolutions and more

Nearly 400 MEA members gathered in East Lansing for the 2024 Representative Assembly (RA) last weekend, passing the 2024-25 MEA budget, electing members to MEA and NEA boards and approving items and resolutions on human rights, artificial intelligence and gun safety, among other business. Delegates to MEA’s largest governing body heard from MEA President Chandra […]