One thought on “Recording of teletownhall with medical experts on COVID-19 and school reopening

  1. Officials claim kids don’t really get it but that’s because they have been home! In Israel they did keep middle and high school students virtual and only brought back elementary. Not long after 125 + students got it and then they had to close again. If students have been home for months they have had limited exposure. Once they are together again it will spread! It’s also extremely unrealistic to expect that’s parents will check their child’s health/temperature before school. Many parents have a hard enough time waking kids up and getting them out the door. It won’t happen! The state guidelines must be changed to include required expectations and not use minimal recommendations. It should not be up to teachers to beg administration for more protection for both their students and themselves! We need to slow our roll. This is being rushed. If this town hall meeting was by phone why would you consider putting students and staff in person. We should not be in class until a county has 14 days with no new cases and this should be evaluated once a week. No school until we are at a level 5!

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